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Oliso Micro Fine Smart Iron - Blue

The TG1050 may be the most standard of the Olisio irons but make no mistake, it is no average steam iron. It boasts a soleplate 3.7 times thicker than the industry standard. Why does this matter The sheer weight of the soleplate retains more heat and creates pressure so you don't have to. Worried about the weight Don't be, with Oliso iTouch technology you never have to lift up the iron 2 year warranty available directly from Freight Intensive Billable transportation charges for freight intensive items will be the greater of the dimensional weight compared to the actual weight. In addition to transportation charges, freight carriers may assess an additional oversize charge per package. This item is subject to a Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy 99.99. Full Brewer MAP policy details are available for review on our website, under the Shop Resource tab.


  • Phone: (802) 388-3559
  • 260 Court Street, Suite 4
  • Middlebury, VT 05753
  • Hours: M-F 10am-5pm
  • Sat 9:30am-4pm
  • Closed Sunday

